You wouldn’t leave your kids or pets without proper care while you’re away. So, why treat your plants any differently? We know, they’re not quite in the same category. But we also know you don’t want to arrive back home after vacation to find your plants wilted or dead. That’s why we’ve gathered the best (and easiest) ways to prepare your plants for vacation.
5 Easy Ways to Prepare Your Plants for Vacation
1. Move them into the shade

While you may think you should move your plant into direct sunlight, you should be moving them into shade, instead. If someone won’t be watering your plants regularly, moving them into the shade will allow them to retain water longer as opposed to being in direct sunlight all day. If you have plants outside, consider bringing them inside, too, to postpone drying out.
2. Water them thoroughly

Your plants need a proper watering before leaving. So to prepare your plants for vacation, fill up your kitchen sink and dunk your plants under the water entirely for a few seconds. While this may seem a bit extreme, your plants need as much hydration as possible while you’re away.
3. Adjust your air conditioning

You’ve brought your plants inside, you’ve soaked them in water, and now it’s time to adjust your thermostat. Many people turn off their air conditioning altogether before leaving, but depending on the outside temperature, this may not be an option.
The recommended temperature for indoor plants ranges from 60 – 75°F. Going under or over this range can severely affect your plants’ respiration, photosynthesis, and more.
4. Have someone tend to your plants

The easiest way to prepare your plants for vacation is to entrust someone else to care for them. And you don’t need to find an expert plant-carer! Whether it’s a friend or family member, you simply need to leave them with detailed instructions. These should include what plant to water, when to water it, and any other details pertinent to the longevity of the plant.
5. Get a self-watering device

One of the best ways to prepare your plants for vacation is to use self-watering devices. Tools such as these hold water for your plant to be used when it needs to absorb more water through its soil. There are also self-watering bulbs that you can stick into the soil that allows your plant to take in water only when it needs to, preventing over-saturation.