Traveling with golf clubs made easy using ShipGo

Traveling with your golf clubs is certainly worth the added effort. While you may not think so when lugging them to and from the airport, it’s ultimately better than using rentals or leaving your golf clubs at home altogether. We’ve found the top tips to make traveling with golf clubs easier than ever. 

Expert Tips: Traveling with Golf Clubs

Make It Easily Identifiable

After a long flight getting to your destination, we know the last thing you want to do is sift through dozens of bags at baggage claim. To make this process a little bit easier, add something unique to the outside of your soft travel bag or hard case. A bright-colored ribbon, a bag, or business cards are all great ways to make your bag easily identifiable when traveling with golf clubs so you can grab them off the carousel and head to the course.

What to Pack

When traveling with golf clubs, be sure to pack extra tees, golf balls, and golf gloves. Consider throwing in a golf sweater or shoes, too, to lighten the load in your luggage. If your golf bag is still under airline weight limits, consider packing your rain gear and an umbrella in your bag, too.

What Not to Pack

Keep valuables of any kind with you when traveling with golf clubs. Whether it’s a rangefinder, watch, or ball marker that’s been passed down through your family, it’s best to keep any valuables like these in your carry-on to avoid the possibility of stolen or lost items. 

Shipping Ahead

Traveling with golf clubs can be made easier, too. When you ship your golf clubs ahead, you can arrive at your destination to find your clubs already there. You can ship your luggage ahead as well, to entirely bypass bag check and baggage claim. Breezing through the airport with just a carry-on in hand is the best way to travel with golf clubs.